Our wonderful 2CMedia family produced the most awesome video tribute to Calder. Under the leadership of our first employee (and family member) Adam Cronan, they went above and beyond in producing something that goes far beyond the typical slideshow. We showed it at his Memorial Service and there were many smiles and tears. If you can take 10 minutes, Carla, Caleb, and I would love for you to watch the piece. Calder is soaring through the heavens now.


We were told Calder was going to change the world and his legacy indeed is doing that. People around the world are checking their pools, hugging their kids, and being very generous in supporting us and donating to his legacy fund. Calder’s story is the world’s story. Just Google “Calder Sloan” and you will be amazed at the stories written about him from The New York Daily News, ABC News, even the London UK newspapers. Folks have been asking what they can do for us. Donating to his fund would mean the world to him and us.

With love and gratitude….

Chris, Carla, Calder, and Caleb