Please join Dana Zuckerman and her #Awesome, Beautiful Daughter Chloe in their Annual Calder “Mr Awesome” Sloan Toy Drive benefiting Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. 4 Easy ways to donate:
1.Pay & pick a donated toy on our AMAZON wish list- items get shipped directly to her house: https://www.amazon.com/
2. Venmo $$$ for Dana & Carla to buy on your behalf toys/art supplies etc to @danaz22 (please put in the note TOY DRIVE)
3. Bins will be set up at both Lehrman & Temple Beth Sholom for you to bring in BRAND NEW toys, art supplies, puzzles etc.
4. Donate on the https://ccawesomefoundatio
Chloe will be doing a car wash & bake sale to raise money for the Calder Sloan TOY Drive as part of her Bat Mitzvah Project.
Help us get to our goal of 500+toys to be donated to our beloved local hospital Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital.
Thank you in advance for your KINDNESS!